Bolton Engineering CO. LTD – Pension Scheme
Statement of Investment Principles
This statement of Investment Principles (“the statement”) has been prepared by the Trustees of The Bolton Engineering Company Limited Pension Scheme (“the Scheme”) in accordance with Section 35 of the Pensions Act 1995, as amended, and its attendant Regulations.
The Statement outlines the principles governing the investment policy of the Scheme and the activities undertaken by the Trustees to ensure the effective implementation of these principles.
In preparing the Statement, the Trustees have:
- Obtained and considered written advice from a suitably qualified individual, employed by their investment consultants, Mercer, a trading name of JLT Benefit Solutions Limited, (“JLT”), whom they believe to have a degree of knowledge and experience that is appropriate for the management of their investments; and
- Consulted with the Sponsoring Employer, although they affirm that no aspect of their strategy is restricted by any requirement to obtain the consent of the Sponsoring Employer.
The advice and the consultation process considered the suitability of the Trustees investment policy for the Scheme.
The Trustees will review the Statement formally at least every three years to coincide with the triennial Actuarial Valuation or other actuarial advice relating to the statutory funding requirements. Furthermore, the Trustees will review the Statement without delay after any significant change in investment policy. Any changes made to the Statement will be based on written advice from a suitably qualified individual and will follow consultation with the Sponsoring Employer.